Posted on: February 27, 2023 Posted by: Hailey Zachary Comments: 0

When considering the ways in which you can aid your child throughout the college search process without being too controlling, many parents look to subtle reminders. Reminders can be a great way to help keep the college search process rolling. Providing gentle reminders lets their child keep track of tasks, appointments and deadlines. This isn’t to say that parents should be handling these tasks or scheduling these appointments, but rather ensuring their child isn’t falling off course when it matters most. For example, reminding your child often of application deadlines for their primary college choices. Or gentle nudges to encourage them to work on their application essays periodically. Just remember to not try and take the wheel, but rather help navigate throughout the process. While the college search process can be overwhelming for teens, with parental guidance and tools such as the information found within the infographic accompanying this post, the college search process can become just a bit easier.

The Parent-Student Relationship In College Searches for more information on the college search process, be sure to check out the Encourage App