Posted on: November 17, 2022 Posted by: Hailey Zachary Comments: 0

When you and your family have decided to get a dog, it is an exciting time for everyone, and it will cause many changes in your home, and you must ensure you adapt. You will need to do many things before welcoming your new dog into your home that can help ensure they settle in quickly and become part of the family. You must ensure you prepare your home to welcome your new addition, and below, you can find some tips to help you get started that can help ensure your new dog settles in quickly and is well-behaved.

The Essentials For Your Dog

You must ensure you have all the essential items your dog will need when they arrive at your home. If you are getting a puppy, you will want to know what food they currently have, as this can help settle them in quickly when everything else changes, but their food is the same. They will also need a collar, lead, a food bowl, a water bowl, and a bed, and you can also consider getting them a dog crate that they can use for sleeping. You will also want to get plenty of dog treats that you can use for training your pet when they arrive, but you may also want to consider professional dog training.

Training Your Dog

You have various options when considering training your dog; the best choice will depend on your dog and circumstances. When you want to use the services of a professional and looking for dog training courses, Scotland has plenty of options available. You can consider a residential dog training course, look for group lessons in your local area, or have one-on-one sessions that may be suitable for you and your dog. You can also look at the various free resources that can help you train your dog, so they are well-behaved and obedient.

Puppy-Proofing Your Home

You will also need to ensure that you puppy-proof your home the best you can before your new dog arrives. One idea is to get on your hands and knees and see what grabs your attention from this perspective, so you can see potential problems before your puppy arrives. Do this for all the areas your puppy will have access to, and you can significantly reduce what they can chew ad destroy. You may also want to get baby gates to keep your dog in specific parts of your home and prevent them from going upstairs if you wish.

Bringing Them Home

You must ensure that when you bring your puppy home for the first time, you try not to overwhelm them too much. Have everyone seated and let the puppy wander around the room, which they will probably want to sniff intently. Avoid loud noises and getting too loud and excited, and you can make your home a welcoming space for your puppy to help them settle in quickly. Take out pet insurance for your dog and register them at your local vets so they can have their jabs before going out and exploring the world with you.